Proph, regardless, Mickey ALWAYS has good tunes and a terrific beat!
Hannah, no, not Canadian. Guess I picked it up here on the forum. It's easier to type "eh?" than to type "don't you?"
what type of music, particular songs, cd's, etc.
always sets your feet to dancing, is absolutely irresistable???.
for me, it's 50's, 60's 70's r&r and r&b..
Proph, regardless, Mickey ALWAYS has good tunes and a terrific beat!
Hannah, no, not Canadian. Guess I picked it up here on the forum. It's easier to type "eh?" than to type "don't you?"
what type of music, particular songs, cd's, etc.
always sets your feet to dancing, is absolutely irresistable???.
for me, it's 50's, 60's 70's r&r and r&b..
Oh, that is SO much fun to dance to with a partner, Blondie! And it's really pretty stuff to watch. I'll bet you're having lots of fun, eh?
this is what i came up with when i let my imagination take me wherever i wanted to "go.".
Awwww, Kate. That is too cute! Fits you to a "T."
Abandoned, that SO suits you, too. Perfect.
what type of music, particular songs, cd's, etc.
always sets your feet to dancing, is absolutely irresistable???.
for me, it's 50's, 60's 70's r&r and r&b..
What type of music, particular songs, CD's, etc. ALWAYS sets your feet to dancing, is absolutely irresistable???
For me, it's 50's, 60's 70's R&R and R&B.
this is what i came up with when i let my imagination take me wherever i wanted to "go.".
This is what I came up with when I let my imagination take me wherever I WANTED to "go."
i'm in love with a man who is a witness.
i am a pretty inactive protestant, meaning my parents were only able to drag me to church twice a year on christmas eve and easter morning.
he told me early into our relationship that he wanted to marry me and spend the rest of his life with me, and that he has never felt the love for anyone else like he does for me.
Emily! He's a control freak in an extremely destructive religious cult. He does NOT want a helper. He wants an enabler.
it just dawned on me today..., .
that - i - must have been the reason that my deceased ms husband never made elder.. ugh, as if i don't have enough guilt to carry around.
he has been deceased for 10 years now, and after reading some things on this board, i realize, i must have been his problem.
No. Because your husband was so obviously GOOD at heart, he wasn't part of their clique and would have been a last choice as elder. Why? Because they don't want elders that will stand up for what is right. They want elders who will bend to the will of the majority of the clique to appease the locals and the borganization. It actually had nothing at all to do with you.
my life's been slowly going in the crapper lately.
i am growing more and more hateful of this stupid cult, as well as deeply depressed and borderline suicidal.
my mother in law has for a long time been emailing a brother who i had a falling out with.
Sounds like your wife's "love" was only skin deep, Roflcopter. This whole situation is going to make YOU come out with the better end of the deal. Give it time. You'll rediscover your zest for living. Honest.
my almost 17 year old daughter left to stay with her dad last thursday.
this is the second time she has left due to my strict rules, like 10p school day curfue, get to school on time, keep your grades above a c. she has not kept to my rules, so as a consequence i told her this last wednesday night she has lost driving priviledges of the car i gave her on her 16th birthday.
she said she was leaving to live with her dad.
Jill, I left home at 14 to go live with my Dad. It took less than a year for me to figure out that living with my Mom was better.
Also, my daughter left home with a b/friend. It took her 10 yrs to finally correct the huge mistake she'd made.
It takes time. Give her the time she needs. Young people are like little birds stretching their wings and learning to fly.
Frannie (of the "BUT, follow your atty's advice" class)
Congratulations, Emperor Abandoned!